Applications for SCCS 2025 are now closed.

2025 Student Conference on Conservation Science

This year’s SCCS conference will run from Tuesday 1 April to Thursday 3 April 2025.  It will be held at the Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge.

There will be around 30 talks and 75 posters from students and early career researchers over the three days.

We expect to welcome around 180 delegates from all over the world to Cambridge for this unrivalled opportunity to meet with others passionate about conservation science.

Map showing where last years attendees came from. Kindly produced by Emily Wenban-Smith.

Applications for SCCS 2025 are now closed.

We are also delighted to be having talks from our four plenary speakers:

Brendan Godley, University of Exeter

Melissa Leach, Cambridge Conservation Initiative

Sarobidy Rakotonarivo, University of Antananarivo; Mitsilto

Bernardo Strassburg, International Institute for Sustainability;


student talks




online Zoom places taken up

countries represented in person

The Student Conference on Conservation Science series in Bengaluru, Europe and New York is the only international series of conservation conferences aimed entirely at students.

SCCS helps early career conservation scientists gain experience, learn new ideas and make contacts that will be valuable for their future careers.

Over the past 24 years, SCCS Cambridge has hosted over 3,400 delegates from 136 countries worldwide.

“You cannot have a healthy human society on an unhealthy planet”

Yolanda Kakabadse (Former Minister of Environment, Ecuador) speaking at SCCS 2022

The SCCS family

The SCCS family is growing fast! In addition to the flagship event in Cambridge, there are now SCCS events in India, Hungary and the USA, with some more possible additions in the next few years.

Our Sponsors and Supporters

SCCS depends on a large team of professionals and volunteers who freely give their time and energy to ensure the success of each event. The organisers of SCCS Cambridge are immensely grateful for the ongoing support from our sponsors and prize givers. Click on the buttons to find out more.

Thanks to our sponsors…

…and Prize givers

SCCS Organisers

Claire Davies (University of Cambridge)

Andrew Balmford (University of Cambridge)

Rob Fletcher (University of Cambridge)

Rosie Trevelyan (Tropical Biology Association)

SCCS Advisory Committee

Guy Cowlishaw (Zoological Society of London)

Rhys Green (University of Cambridge)

Julia Jones (Bangor University)

Chris Sandbrook (University of Cambridge)

Bob Smith (University of Kent)

Ruth Swetnam (The Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts)

Juliet Vickery (BTO)

Kalsum Mohd Yusah (Royal Botanic Gardens Kew)